Oct 26, 2010

Grilling 101 BBQ – get to know some useful tips

Are you considering some Grilling 101 BBQ experience? Then this article has some superb tips for your safe grilling or BBQ-ing! First things first, get read for the danger zone! You got to understand the fact that all food items that are kept between 4 and 60°C or 40 and 140°F are under sheer danger of damaging bacterial growth.

Keep your cold food in a cool environment. And keep them under 4°C or 40°F. Similarly, you got to keep your hot food in a sufficiently warm environment. It is better to keep them in a temperature over 60°C or 140°F. You should keep a chart of safe temperatures for your meat, poultry as well as fish.

But for your information, minimal temperature limit for meat which has now been ground or reformed is 71°C or 160°F. A good idea is to slot in your thermometer probe into the centre of your hamburger patty or into the core centre of your sausage and/or hotdogs. Fortunately, exactly the same level of temperature applies for Ground Veal, Ground Beef, Ground Lamb and Ground Pork.

And when it comes to poultry, while checking for the internal hotness of the whole chicken, just insert the probing thermometer. But for getting the exact idea, insert at multiple spots. The ideal temperature should be 82°C or 180°F. But don’t forget to thoroughly check the inner temperature of the breast meat as well as the thigh meat while testing out the whole chicken, turkey, duck or goose. When stuffed it's important that you check temperatures of the meat as well as the stuffing. And don’t forget to probe near its bones too. At least these are the rules of thumb when it comes to Grilling 101 BBQ.

Tags: bbq, barbecue, gilling, grilling temperature, bbq temperature,101 bbq

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